Return to Self: find your way home to self and the world through the beautiful metaphors of Five-Element Theory and Bodyful movement in our series of workshops.

I’ve been busy collaborating with my friend and fellow Shiatsu practitioner Vicky Evans of Wye Valley Shiatsu. We’ve created a series of workshops, ‘Return to Self’ where we will share some of the things we have learned about coming into connection with ourselves and the world around us.

I’m really excited to share this with you – so excited I’ve actually written a blog!

The first session is on 15th June – you’ll have to sign up quickly if we are to go ahead!


  • practical self-care approaches such as self-shiatsu, stretches and movement sequences
  • exploring what it means to be bodyful
  • reflection and meditation on seasonal energy shifts and the patterns we experience or hold in our bodies.

What are Five-Element Theory and Bodyfulness?

We hear a lot about mindfulness and the benefits of developing awareness of our thoughts and emotions. Bodyfulness takes this awareness into our bodies – what are the physical sensations associated with our thoughts and emotions? How do they evolve and shift as we bring them into focus? “Bodyfulness begins with a strong awareness of the physical self in a place supportive of contemplation and deep understanding of bodily nature and desire.” Christine Caldwell

Five Element Theory shows how the different energies/forces in nature meet to create harmony and balance. Its rich metaphors help us to make sense of ourselves, our bodies and our world. It underpins Shiatsu, Acupunture and Qigong.