Spring is in the air

That sense of anticipation is stirring! For me, Imbolc (halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox) feels more like New Year than 1st January. Even though it’s still cold and wintry there’s a sense of everything waking up, new shoots are emerging, there’s birdsong in the mornings, lighter evenings, lighter mornings – the world feels full of possibility. Often at this time of year, I also feel a deeper sense of not being quite rested enough to start again, I’m working with the energies of both winter and spring in lots of my treatments, nurturing energy reserves and clearing the flow for the growth to come.

In the Five Phase theory that we use in Shiatsu, spring is the energy of Wood. It represents growth and creativity in our bodies and lives. It’s also the ability to make plans and act on them. It’s humour and play and flexibility. When wood energy is stuck or depleted it can show up in our emotions as anger and irritability, or a sense of not knowing which way to turn. In our bodies as joint pain and migraines, PMS and sluggish digestion.

A treatment at this time of year can help you feel energised and ready to meet the springtt


Brisk walks, stretching, especially the sides of the body, and of course, Shiatsu are good to tonify wood.

If you’re feeling like the winter is stretching on endlessly, just taking time outside to notice the signs of spring is good for the soul, and if like me, you like sunrises more than really early starts, remember that for the next couple of weeks you can see the day break without being out before 7am.

The 4 Gates Treatment these are 2 acupressure points you can easily access yourself that encourage a smooth flow of energy. Please do not use them if you are pregnant. When you have found the points, hold them as deeply as feels right to you, but without exerting effort through your hand and arm – use the weight of your hand or lean your body into it. Breathe deeply and allow your mind to be still.

LI4 – this is one of the easiest points to reach on your hand – in the webbing between your thumb and your hand – feel around – you will know when you find the right spot. Known as the Great Eliminator, this is a release point – useful for headaches and pain

LV3 – in a simlar place on the foot. This point can be quite tender. It is used to release stress and relieve feelings of irritation. Known as the Great Rushing, it can make you feel clearer and more energised. Another useful point if you suffer from headaches.

Energy work – what is it?

Shiatsu works on different levels – one of them is energetic.

The idea of working with the energy in your body can seem a bit out there, but we are all aware of our energy levels and can feel the vibes from other people.
It can seem like an energy worker should have some kind of special powers. I don’t think that’s the case, it’s just a way of paying attention.

When you find a still, quiet space within yourself you notice different things, like the subtle shapes caused by patterns of tension. It might be heat or skin tone, it could be tiny movements in response to touch, the strength of a pulse, the depth and speed of the in and out of the breath – these are some of the ways that we feel energy – there’s so much data! And sometimes it’s just a gut feeling that the brain can’t decipher, and that’s fine too – not knowing is all part of it.

During a treatment the invitation is for you to find that quiet space where your mind settles so you can hear the whispers, feel your body respond to touch, and allow emotions to arise and shift. This is the place where the sparks of insight can grow and transformation happens.

It’s not out there, it’s in all of us. Ssssssh! Listen!

Menopause and Perimenopause

I attended the first Chepstow Menopause Network event last weekend. It was lovely to meet lots of women and see all the services on offer for us through perimenopause and menopause. I put a booklet together about how shiatsu can support you through this time.

If you missed this one there will be more in future – I’ll post about them on socials.

Click to view/download


Birthdays – If you’ve had a treatment with me before keep an eye on your inbox in the run-up to your birthday. You’ll find a 30% discount code that you can use to treat yourself or pass it on to someone to use towards a voucher for you.

Spread the love – If you know someone who would love a shiatsu treatment, share the code “spreadthelove” (book online or get in touch directly). When they book using this and your name they’ll get 20% off, and so will you (I’ll let you know if anyone books with your name).

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