What I love about receiving shiatsu

Regular shiatsu is the cornerstone of my well-being. It invites me to listen to and be friends with my body, and to manage my chronic migraines. After giving birth, when my body felt like it was not my own anymore, shiatsu helped me to feel whole again. When I’m anxious, shiatsu grounds me and brings clarity and purpose.

My mind can be a busy, buzzy place where thoughts start to form and are replaced by the next thing before they develop. Day in day out the relentless, exhausting, busy-ness of life, work and family can make it hard to do the things I know will make life easier. Shiatsu embodies this knowledge so I can live more in tune with myself and the world. On the mat, both receiving and giving shiatsu. I enter a liminal space where the walls seem to disappear and half-conscious, half-dreaming my mind roams. Emotions arise and shift as my body is nurtured and tension released, and healing happens in a place beyond words.

At the end of a treatment, when I slowly, reluctantly accept that it’s time to stretch a little, maybe wriggle my toes and open my eyes I feel a renewed sense of clarity and energy. I invariably feel a spring in my step and my skeleton seems to hang together better. I often notice that I’m smiling and seeing things I’d usually overlook.